Archive for February 14th, 2021


February 14, 2021

It’s still snowing

Valentine’s breakfast

The snow is bigger flakes today. They stick together better, including on our TV satellite dish. Which means someone limited viewing, on a day when we will be spending most inside. But I have work to do, and we will get out at least once into the white.

First morning view- my weather check
The iris pot is still barely visible
Tiny icicle
Snowman, day 2

Lots of rabbit tracks in the front yard this morning. And we finally made tracks in the afternoon for a few miles. We focused on neighborhood roads, looking for other snowmen. The sidewalks mostly had a narrow compacted path. Shoveling was intermittent at best. It was not actively snowing by mid afternoon, but I pulled up my hood to keep the snow falling off branches from going down my back.

Our sidewalk is shoveled edge to edge. It’s not dry, but easy walking. Our shovel is left on the front porch for neighborhood sharing. At least two borrowed it, and one left a tulip, from their valentine bouquet.

The temperature is in the mid thirties, so even with an overnight dip, the snow will soon start to disappear.