Steps, that is. Not steps, but stairs. Our morning walk has taken me to 10,116 steps, and it’s not quite noon.

The walk route was built around two errands. A haircut for me. And returning some jeans that didn’t fit and picking up a pair that does.

Probably shorter than Carl prefers.

The stairs were on the return trip and nearly did me in. I have not been consistent in getting walks in every day, and it showed. Not just in my legs, but some lightheadedness. I really felt the need for sustenance and the University Farmer’s Market happened to be between the stairs and our house. An apple turnover has helped replenish the calories burnt.

Recovery time watching some Premier League games. Inspiring me to keep moving through the rest of the day?

5 Responses to “324”

  1. Margaret Says:

    There are a number of places in Seattle with those LONG stairways. Quite a workout! Cute hair and I love your glasses too.

    • raincharm Says:

      Thank you for the glasses compliment. It is a very new style for me after years of thinner wire rims. I’m still getting used to what they look like.

  2. Pooh Says:

    I had an almost deja-vu moment when your picture popped up. As in looking in a mirror moment. Except your hair looks better than mine. I like the glasses, especially the teal color.

    • raincharm Says:

      Carl made some comment about it being like a “Pooh style.” Although I wouldn’t necessarily say it looks better.

    • raincharm Says:

      Or maybe it’s just to confuse Dad.

      A long time ago I walked into their bedroom and Jane’s graduation picture was on the shelf. Mom said she sometimes wasn’t sure whether it was Jane or me.

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